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Your personalized path to holistic wellbeing

Gently guiding women through life’s transitions

Monika offers women a comprehensive framework for wellness and personal empowerment that is rooted in the ancient healing and wisdom traditions of Yoga and Ayurveda.

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Download our free guide

Five Essential Ayurvedic Tips for Better Health

yoga and ayurveda lifestyle consulting

Work one-on-one with Monika to embark on your path to wellness

Work with Monika, a certified practitioner, as your gentle accountability guide for all things Ayurveda. Monika will offer weekly check-ins, personalized recommendations, and ongoing coaching as you embark on your Ayurvedic wellness journey.

monika jaeckle yoga vermont

Meet the

Monika Jaeckle has dedicated over thirty years to studying and applying the teachings of both Eastern wisdom traditions and Western healing therapies. Monika found herself amid her own health crisis in her mid-fifties which encouraged her to take a holistic look at her own wellness.

monika jaeckle yoga ayurveda vermont

From there, she immersed herself in the world of Ayurvedic healing, going on to study under Dr. Lad at the Ayurvedic Insitute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Monika is dedicated to teaching other women how to show compassion to themselves as they embark on their holistic journey of health and wellness.

Let wholistic health and wellness into your life

Integrate Ayurveda is dedicated to empowering women through their health and wellness journies. Please reach out with questions, comments, or any other inquiries that you may have.